For as long as you want to continue gaining muscle, this program requires you to go to the gym three times per week for 60 minutes. Once you’ve reached your ideal size, you can switch to a maintenance plan of two 40 minute weekly sessions.

Here’s the breakdown of this handbook:

Prep Week

  • Buy your workout accessories.
  • Take your starting photos.
  • Get into the habit of sleeping enough.

Советы от фитнес-тренеров: как следует тренироваться для общего здоровья, похудения и наращивания мышц - | Диалог.UA


  • First 2 months: Start with low-volume workouts with non-intimidating exercises anyone can do — even with just dumbbells. The workouts aren’t too long.
  • 2 months to infinity: This phase is for those who want to gain as much muscle as possible. This plan consists of a higher volume and intensity of exercise, which will become necessary for your muscles to continue growing.