For as long as you want to continue gaining muscle, this program requires you to go to the gym three times per week for 60 minutes. Once you’ve reached your ideal size, you can switch to a maintenance plan of two 40 minute weekly sessions. Here’s the breakdown of this handbook: Prep Week Buy your workout accessories. Take your starting […]
How long does it take to build muscle?
Beginners can gain a couple inches on their arms within 90 days. You’ll see additional noticable gains for another 2–3 months. After 6 months, you typically gain more slowly — about 2lbs (0.9kg) per year. Workout inspiration Before we get to the workout programs and how to eat to build muscle, let’s tackle the excuses stopping you from starting in the […]
Usability of steroids
Despite this reality check about women’s tastes, you’re probably still curious how some people — like Hollywood superheroes — get huge. Well, some celebrities playing superheroes are or were at some point on steroids, insulin, or HGH — the abuse of which results in health problems. Plus, some have naturally broad frames. It is otherwise unrealistic to go from average to Thor Size™ in under a year. A discussion of what is natural to […]
Male physique examples
Take a look at the physique below. You can download the image and glance at it whenever you need motivation to continue working out: Want to know how long it takes to build muscle? The image above is a realistic reference for the mass an average-sized male attains after 4 months of working out. Charles looks healthy, he has the muscle mass most women […]
Who’s Julian Shapiro?
I spend thousands of hours deconstructing how things work. I compile my insights into free handbooks (like the one you’re reading). Over a million people read them annually. Insights that don’t make it into handbooks are shared on Twitter. I’m also the founder of Demand Curve, a company that trains startups in growth marketing and helps them find great marketing hires. […]
Most bodybuilding advice is misleading
This handbook is the result of a year’s research into what the latest science shows is the most efficient way to build muscle. It’s for both men and women. It’s primarily for beginners, but there’s plenty of science-backed advice for intermediates too. I wrote this guide because much of the casual weightlifting advice is unsubstantiated or misleading. I can’t blame bloggers for it, […]
Stretching for Muscle Gains
A recent study on stretching showed that those who regularly stretch can make some impressive strength gains even without weight training. Muscle Stretching Study 32% average strength gains, a 7% increase on a vertical? Those are things that should get the attention of all athletes. The study is just one study, was done on sedentary people and not active trainers, […]
“Hey, I’m skinny and I can’t seem to gain any weight. I’m 5’10”, 205 lbs. with 8% body fat. I’ve tried everything to put on weight over the past 6 months. Can you give me any ideas so that I can wear shorts this summer without people staring at my chicken legs?” Believe it or not, I’ve gotten emails like […]
Muscle Building “Superfoods”
Here’s a pretty good list of “superfoods” for bodybuilding. Eating For Muscle Gain The list… Eggs Almonds Salmon Yogurt Beef Olive Oil Water Coffee Hey, where’s chicken and tuna? It’s pretty rare that those two don’t make these types of lists. The problem I have with these types of lists is that some people tend to take them to mean […]
Resting For Muscle Growth
Aw, yes, rest. Perhaps nothing is more frustrating to me then trying to convince a beginner that his spending 2 hours in the gym every day without rest won’t make him a big man. Rather, he’ll likely end up losing muscle. Tell the beginner that and he’ll often just stare back at you with glossy eyes. He’ll think you are […]